
sing daliya tal ni chutney

Sing, Daliya, Tal ni Chutney Recipe :

  • Baked Sing 100g (શેકેલી સીંગ)
  • Sesame seed : 100g (તલ)
  • Daliya or Gram Dal : 100g (દાળીયા અથવા ચણા ની દાળ) Dalia
  • Oil : 2 teaspoon (તેલ)
  • Chili powder : 1 tea spoon (લાલ મરચા નો પાવડર)
  • Castor Sugar: 1 tablespoon (દળેલી ખાંડ)
  • Lemon flower : According to taste (લીંબુ ના ફૂલ)
  • Mustard (રાઈ)
  • First bake seasame seed, groundnut, and daliya bake separately, and crush half three of them in mixture, and add salt, chili powder, lemon flower, and castor sugar in mixure. 
  • Then after in the heated fry pen add oil, asafoetida (hing) (હિંગ) mustard seed, and curry leaf (મીઠો લીમડો) add it in mixture. 
  • Thick spicy chutney of sing, daliya and tal is ready to eat with khakhra. this chutney is a favourite recipe of saurashtra region of gujarat.       

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